Preparing Final Manuscripts
Inside Speaker Info: Author Timeline l Abstract Submission l Preparing Final Manuscripts l Preparing Presentation
Author Instructions for Preparing Final Manuscripts for Both Oral and Poster Presentations
Congratulations on having your work accepted for presentation at the 2025 IRPS. Below are full instructions for producing your manuscript.
Important Dates
See the Author timeline for important dates regarding manuscript and platform submissions, as well as author registration. These dates are critical to successfully present your work at IRPS, and to have it published by the IEEE.
Preparing Draft of Manuscript
Use the manuscript template in .docx for your manuscript to prepare your draft for either an oral or poster presentation. The suggested length of a paper that accompanies a platform presentation is 6 pages, and there is a 10 page limit. The suggested length of a paper that accompanies a poster presentation is 4 pages, and there is a 6 page limit.
Be sure to read the instructions for creating your source file for submission to the IRPS Final Submission site.
The Proceedings for this conference will be submitted to be published in IEEE Xplore® therefore the quality of your PDF file is important. The IEEE is dedicated to the worldwide distribution of conference papers to engineering professionals. This requires that all papers submitted for publication must meet a minimum standard for both print and electronic publishing. You will have access to IEEE PDF eXpress™ to assist you in preparing suitable PDF files. IEEE PDF eXpress™ is a free online service that will convert your source file to PDF from a number of different publishing platforms, or verify that the PDF you created meets the IEEE Xplore® specifications. IEEE PDF eXpress™ is not a file submission system and does not capture files. You will still need to submit your verified file to the conferences paper submission site.
Read the IEEE PDF eXpress instructions and then click here to access IEEE PDF eXpress. 2025 IRPS Conference ID is (48204x)
Paper mentoring
A mentor will be assigned to accepted oral and poster presenters in order to support authors in writing an excellent final manuscript. The mentor will contact authors of accepted papers/posters by (Monday, January 6th, 2025). Please submit a draft of your paper to your mentor by (Wednesday, January 15th, 2025).
Final Manuscript
Once you have received feedback from your mentor and made the necessary corrections, log back in to the IRPS submission site and post your final abstract by (Friday, February 7th, 2025).
Author Registration for Symposium
In order for a manuscript to be published in the symposium proceedings, it is required that the presenting author register for and attend the symposium to deliver the oral or poster presentation. It is strongly recommended that the paper’s first author be the presenter, although a co-author may serve in this role if the first author is unavailable. Authors should register by (Monday, February 10th, 2025).